Midtown Miracle Community Garden
started as a little seed
Midtown Miracle Community Garden (MMCG) is a FEMA-condemned reclaimed lot on E 64th Street and Abercorn (31405) whose herbs and spices help eliminate sugar and salt in children's lunches provided by Second Harvest Food Bank.
Phase 1: Our garden boxes were opened March 31 and we already have delivered herbs to Chef Floyd for his lunch program. Updates are weekly on the sign in board at MMCG or on facebook under Midtown Miracle Community Garden or by accessing the garden link through the website. Sponsorship in funds or materials or time, and Business, military or civic group work teams desperately needed to finish our goal.
Phase 2: was celebrated on Friday, May 30th, 2014 (Decoration Day-- the original Memorial Day) MMCG dedicated three areas:
1. The handicapped accessible area in honor of Memorial Day
2. The Growing Gardeners Grounds-- a children's educational play area
3. The Citrus Grove-- fruit trees dedicated in honor or memory of someone or something specific
Follow @MidtownMiracle on Twitter for all the news and updates of the growing project!
Our Midtown Miracle Community Garden is blooming. For more information email or For updates on meetings and garden events follow us on Facebook and Twitter: @MidtownMiracle